NB The closure is due to begin on Monday 29th July until Monday 2nd September.
click on below Notice and also see Bus timetable
NOTICE: ===>>> Road Closure to Wells – 36 days
and associated Bus Timetabe!!
From: Kim Hawes <KHawes@somerset.gov.uk>
Subject: Service Disruption – Wells Road Closure
Following conversations with MCT/Somerset Accessible Transport and Bristol Water, we are unfortunately taking the decision to split the two parts of the 67 service from Monday 29th July, as the connection in Wedmore is not possible due to the position of the road closure on Wells Road.
The service between Burnham and Wedmore will operate to its normal timetable, however, onward travel to Wells will not be possible Monday-Friday.
The Mendip Community Transport section of the route will be additionally affected, with the decision being taken to only operate the route between Wookey village and Wookey Hole, via Wells with no changes to times on this section of route . This will maintain a reliable service for the vast majority of users of this route. Whilst the 67 is unable to serve the section of route between Wedmore and Wookey, if you are aware of anyone who needs to travel please contact Mendip Community transport as it may be possible to arrange a specific journey for anyone unable to gain access to the service in this area.
Both operators will have notices up onboard their buses, and we will affix notices/updated timetables to all timetable cases along the route. I have attached copies for your information.
During the closure period, Wedmore users are able to access Service 668 (Libra Travel) into Street, for onward connections to Wells.
We are still in conversations with MCT regarding the Saturday Service . As soon as a diversionary route has been agreed, I will send out an updated and revised Saturday timetable to all parishes and arrange for these timetable to be posted at bus stops next week.
Once again, after considering all of the available options, we have chosen to maintain reliability for the majority of users. The closure is due to begin on Monday 29th July until Monday 2nd September.
Kind regards
Kim Hawes
Public Transport Manager
Transporting Somerset
01823 358139