Please find attached a press release regarding a hugely exciting collaborative movie event at Strode Theatre on 6th June. More than just a movie, this is a gathering of the environmental movement in Somerset to watch, learn and be inspired.
Steve Mewes
Title: Demain/Tomorrow – Wed June 6th 7.30pm, Strode Theatre – More than just a movie
For the first time, seven local eco-groups have got together with Strode Theatre to sponsor the showing of Demain, an inspirational film about communities making things happen in the struggle with climate change and rampant consumerism causing problems such as the plastic pollution in our seas.
In a time of seemingly unrelenting messages of doom from all directions, Demain is a breath of fresh air – a positive and inspirational film, exploring creative solutions in the fields of food, energy, transport, economics and education. All around the world, the filmmakers find people with vision, hope and energy, as they visit permaculture farms, urban agriculture, renewable projects, local currencies, creative schools and ambitious recycling projects – the perfect antidote to the current sense of despondency.
Strode Theatre has teamed up with Sustainable Wells, Avalon Community Energy, Glastonbury Friends of the Earth, Green Wedmore, The Rubbish Art Project, Transition Langport, Sustainable Frome and Wells Food Network in bringing Demain to the screen.
Steve Mewes from Green Wedmore said, “So many of the challenges we face can only be tackled though working together. Our groups are not about preaching, we are about working with the communities in Somerset so that together we can find the solutions and walk a lot lighter on this precious and beautiful planet.”
Representatives from these local groups will be present to discuss and inspire before and after the film.
Any surplus from ticket sales for this film will contribute to the Strode Theatre Bar’s costs of switching from single-use plastics to biodegradable materials as part of their new environmental policy.
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity.
To book your tickets please go to and search for ‘Demain’
or call the box office on 01458 442846
Editors Notes:
For more information or to book an interview, please contact Stewart Crocker on
Kate Midgley (Marketing Officer, Strode Theatre) on OR 01458 446 529