
Grants for health projects now available

News Release:

Applications are now open for Sedgemoor District Council’s Community Health Fund, which has monies available to spend on health-focussed projects across the district. (read more)

Sedgemoor District Council                                                                           Corporate Relations Manager:  Claire Faun

Bridgwater House                                                                                            Direct Dial:  01278 435320

King Square, Bridgwater                                                                                 Fax:  01278 445500

Somerset, TA6 3AR                                                                                          e-mail:

General Enquiries:   0300 303 7800                                                 



Date:  July 16, 2018


Grants for health projects now available

Applications are now open for Sedgemoor District Council’s Community Health Fund, which has monies available to spend on health-focussed projects across the district.

Community groups, registered charities, leisure centres, housing providers, activity clubs, children’s centres and workplaces amongst others are all being encouraged to come up with their own project ideas based on local health and wellbeing needs and then bid for up to £1,000 to support their project.

Projects must be focussed around one or more of the following themes and must be sustainable and measureable


  • Physical Activity – increasing opportunities for, and levels of, physical activity within Sedgemoor communities


  • Healthy Eating – promotion of food growing, healthy eating, cooking skills, access to healthy foods


  • Weight Management- reducing levels of overweight/obesity within Sedgemoor communities


  • Promoting emotional and physical wellbeing through projects which address loneliness and isolation by engaging new people



Funding could be used to support a whole raft of projects for example new activity classes, clubs which support weight loss or reducing social isolation, teaching how to prepare healthy meals on a budget or general cookery skills. Whilst match-funding is not strictly required projects that have some percentage of match funding in place will be favoured.

The closing date for applications is Friday 21st September.  For more details or to download an application form visit

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