Isle of Wedmore News – April
Parish Council business
The February meeting of the Council was held back in the Council Rooms following the relaxation of some of the Covid rules. There was almost a full turnout of Councillors. County Councillor David Huxtable reported that the budget would be announced the following week and would increase by 10% to more than £40m. Council Tax would increase by 2.0% with a 1% precept increase towards adult social care. Band D houses would see a decrease in their tax of £92.
It was agreed to support the Playing Fields Management Committee with two upcoming planning applications. They would be submitted with the Parish Council named as the applicant resulting in a 50% reduction of planning fees. Members had been listening to arguments from both sides concerning the proposed reduction in the size of a replacement fire engine at Cheddar Fire Station.
By the time you read this report, the matter may have been resolved. Cllr Costello has been actively promoting a safe crossing for the students at Hugh Sexeys School. The landowners opposite the school are prepared to donate a piece of land wide enough to create a footpath and the matter is still under discussion. The Council is supporting a Street Party in the Borough to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June.
New Parish Clerk
The Council has appointed Mrs Lindsey Baker of Blackford as the new Parish Clerk with effect from the end of March. Lindsey grew up in Theale and now lives with her husband and three children in Blackford. She is very keen to discover how the parish “works” and how it can become even better. Lindsey already has links to the Council as her grandfather was Chairman in 1990.
…..and finally
This will be my last report for the Isle of Wedmore News and I have been really touched by all the emails and phone calls I have received since I announced my retirement. There have been some challenging times but these were far outweighed by the huge amount of satisfaction and pleasure I have received during my past ten years in office. At the end of the day, I am happy that I have done my best for the parishioners of Wedmore and know that the parish will continue to be in safe hands with Lyndsey on board. Goodbye…and thank you.
Rod Pring, Parish Clerk
NEW!!! Wedmore Parish Council NEW Website (for latest detailed minutes)
NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes
Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email: