
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – February 2021


Parish Council business

The December meeting was once again held via ZOOM video conferencing with only one Councillor absent due to work related matters.  The meeting was joined by two Blackford residents who were concerned about the speed of traffic travelling through Blackford and suggested that more signage and traffic calming measures were required.


Most of the meeting was taken up by a discussion on this important issue especially in light of the recent fatal accident that occurred in the area.  It was noted that the police had been active with speed cameras recently and it was hoped this would continue.

Cllr David Huxtable, the Somerset County Councillor responsible for Wedmore parish was present at the meeting and felt that extra signage and road markings could be expedited quite quickly at no cost to the Parish.  There was a suggestion that a “village gateway” could be built at both ends of Blackford to make drivers more aware that they were entering a restricted area.


One resident asked if a “build out” could be incorporated similar to that at Mark and by the First School in Wedmore.  Cllr Huxtable felt that might be difficult and time consuming to progress but that a gateway was something that could be achieved quite easily with Parish funding.  The Council agreed to support the County Council and the residents in taking forward the plans for speed and accident reduction within Blackford.

Financial matters.

The members agreed to accept the proposed budget for next year as recommended by the Finance and General Purposes Committee and also agreed that once again there would be no increase in the Parish precept for the coming year.

Rod Pring, Parish Clerk

Wedmore Parish Council December minutes

Wedmore Parish Council Website

Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email:



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