
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – February 2022

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Isle of Wedmore News  – February

Parish Council business

The December meeting of the Council was held in Wedmore Village Hall at the last minute due to a change in Government instructions on Covid rules.

The main business was to hear the report from the Finance Committee and agree on the budget and precept for next year.  The precept has not increased for several years and it was felt that now was the time to ask for an increase due to extra costs associated with the new housing developments.  Creating a new play area at Cross Farm, funding a safe cycleway to Sexeys School and the creation of a new footpath at Blackford for schoolchildren would also require extra funding.

There are several other items on the Council’s “wish list” and members decided to seek a precept increase of £10k to £75K which would result in a £4 increase for households in the parish.  Due to spiralling water and maintenance charges, it was agreed to increase allotment rents to £50 for a large plot and £25 for smaller ones.  Once again these rents have not increased for a number of years and still represent good value compared with neighbouring parishes.  As an aside there are a few allotments now available to rent so please contact the Clerk if you are interested.

The Council is creating a new website and has instructed a professional website company to set it up.  Each Councillor will then have a dedicated email address that can be accessed by the public.

The Council will be hosting an event,  ‘Wedmore – Have Your Say’, on the 18th and 19th February at Wedmore Village Hall to update, discuss and consult on a number of initiatives within the parish. Initiatives will include proposals for a new medical centre, changes to street lighting, new zero-carbon energy production via a wind turbine and, potential changes to pathways, cycleways and traffic.  Please join us and have your say on the future of our area.”.

Finally…. I have given the Council notice that I intend to stand down as Clerk from the 30th of April after almost 10 years of service.  I think it is time to let someone else take over this challenging role and the Council’s HR committee is already seeking a replacement.

Rod Pring, Parish Clerk

Wedmore Parish Council December 2021 minutes

Wedmore Parish Council Website

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email:

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