Isle of Wedmore News – January
Parish Council business
The November meeting was well attended and members heard that some residents had written in asking for some of the village street lights to be switched off in order help prevent light pollution. There were suggestions that with the exceptions of busy junctions many lights could be switched off at midnight. However members were aware that many residents wished to maintain the status quo for safety and security reasons.
The County Council would be replacing all street lights with “carbon neutral lights” by 2030 and the cost of replacing the lights and timers in Wedmore would be about £20k. Much of that money would probably be borne by the Parish. It was agreed to arrange an open day, probably in February when residents could have the opportunity to discuss this along with several other items of local interest. The whole village would be consulted before any decision re street lighting was taken. Members agreed to take on responsibility for obtaining public liability insurance for the Christmas street lights for one year only.
A considerable amount of groundwork had been undertaken at Blackford play area and following an inspection, defective equipment at Wedmore play area has been replaced. A local teacher had asked if Worthington Woods could be used as a Forest School for local children and this was thought to be a very useful community project and would be encouraged.
Finally…on behalf of the Chairman and all Members of the Council, I wish you and your families a very Happy New Year
Rod Pring, Parish Clerk
Wedmore Parish Council November 2021 minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes
Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email: