
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – July 2021

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Isle of Wedmore News  – July

Parish Council business

The May meeting was the Annual General Meeting of the Council and was well attended on another Zoom video conference call.  Cllr Polly Costello was re-elected Chair for a second year and the vice-Chair will be Cllr David Kirley.

Other routine admin matters were discussed and agreed and members identified the various committees that they wished to serve on.  Wedmore First School P.T.A. was awarded a grant of £500 towards work and training at the swimming pool and the Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance fundraisers were given permission to site a recycled clothing bank in the village car park.

Hopefully, this will be in situ by the time you read this article. It is important that this facility is well used or it could be removed to another village

Future meetings

Providing that the government relaxes its rules on face to face meetings, the July Council meeting will be held in Blackford Village Hall and the August meeting will be held in Theale Village Hall.  It is hoped that members of the public will attend and ask any questions or raise any issues that they wish.

Wedmore Parish Council May 2021 minutes

Wedmore Parish Council Website

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email:

Rod Pring, Parish Clerk

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