Isle of Wedmore News – June
Parish Council business
The April meeting of 2021 was once again held via ZOOM video conferencing. The Council agreed to fund a “village gateway” scheme on the Mark side of Blackford in conjunction with the County Highways Department. Hopefully, this would encourage drivers to enter Blackford at a safe speed and would be further enhanced by improved signage and road markings.
Several applications for Council grants had been received and it was agreed that a further £10k would be given to Wedmore Playing Fields towards the creation of a multi-use games pitch. Wedmore in Bloom were awarded £750 towards planting. Their hard work always brings favourable comments from residents and visitors alike.
Following a presentation from the Chair of the Wedmore & Axbridge Community Health Fund it was agreed to earmark £100k towards the cost of a new medical centre. The Fund had recently received the proceeds of the sale of the former St John ambulance station in Pilcorn Street and were actively looking for somewhere to build. The Council grant would come from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) paid by developers.
The Council was represented by the Chair, Clerk and one other Councillor at a service to commemorate the life of HRH Prince Philip which was held at St Mary’s church, the evening before his funeral.
Cheddar Vale Lions have presented a wooden bench to the Council to mark the centenary of Lions International. The bench will be located in Worthington Woods.
Rod Pring, Parish Clerk
Wedmore Parish Council April minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email: Rod Pring, Parish Clerk