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Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – June 2022

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Parish Council Business

Well, what a busy month May was!

I would like to thank both the councillors who have now stepped down for all
of their support in the early weeks and also the ones who have remained for their
continued support and enthusiasm for making our community the best it can be.

With a smaller than usual council, we are actively looking to co-opt some new councillors onto the Parish Council, which begs the question ‘Why become a Parish Councillor?’ Parish Councillors are elected representatives who volunteer their time freely to work on behalf of local residents. By becoming a Parish Councillor you can become a voice for our community, somebody who residents will look to for help, guidance and support.

You will be involved in local decision making and strategic planning for the benefit of the people you serve. Seeing our community change for the better, as a result of decisions you have helped make, is something that can give you a sense of achievement and pride.

If this is something that interests you, or you would like to talk to a current member about what being a councillor involves, please get in touch.

With the summer on the horizon and lots of local committees seeking to bring the community together in celebration, the Council have awarded Wedmore Harvest Home £1000 to secure road closures for both the Street Fair and the Harvest Home.

Also awarded with funds, was Wedmore in Bloom, a further £750 towards the costs of keeping the planters around the village looking beautiful. Their hard work always brings favourable comments from residents and visitors alike.

As always, if you would like to get in touch, please contact us through the website
www.wedmore-pc.gov.uk/ by typing ‘Wedmore Parish Council’ in the Facebook search
bar or you can email clerk@wedmore-pc.gov.uk

Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087, email clerk@wedmore-pc.gov.uk

Wedmore Parish Council NEW  Website (for latest detailed minutes)

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

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