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Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – June 2024


Parish Council Business

Dear esteemed residents of Wedmore Parish,

As we sashay into June like one of the brilliant, seasoned, performers from the
Wedmore Festival, it’s time for another riveting update from your ever-dutiful Clerk.

Firstly, let’s talk foliage. Yes, you guessed it – those ever-tenacious bushes and other pesky vegetation along our watercourses, highways/footpaths! I must say, lots of you, our dedicated parishioners have been pruning, snipping, and coaxing those green darlings into submission with the finesse of topiary artists. So, next time you stroll along our picturesque pathways, spare a thought for those brave souls who battle the brambles on your behalf and have a go at your own, practice makes perfect!

8 June 2024
Now, allow me to extend the warmest of welcomes to our newest addition to the Parish Council family – Bill Smart! With the wisdom of Solomon and the enthusiasm of a puppy in a field of daisies, Bill has answered the call to serve our community with enthusiasm. Here’s to forging ahead together, Bill, as we navigate the choppy waters of local governance with aplomb.

Next, let’s raise our teacups in a resounding cheer for the recent Parish Assembly.  Your presence, dear residents, was as heartening as a sunny afternoon in any of our beloved beer gardens. And speaking of the Parish Assembly, let’s give a round of applause to the illustrious recipient of this year’s Henry Butt Award – none other than Pete Tinney! Pete’s tireless dedication to the Isle of Wedmore News is truly the stuff of legend. Here’s to you, Pete.

As we tiptoe into the balmy embrace of summer, my excitement brims like a freshly poured Pimm’s jug at the prospect of all the upcoming events. From the annual Harvest Home to eagerly anticipated cricket matches, there’s a smorgasbord of delights waiting to be devoured.  So, dust off your straw hats, for it promises to be a memorable summer!

In closing, dear residents, let me express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and steadfast commitment to our beloved Wedmore Parish. Until next time, stay splendid, stay spirited, and remember life is but a merry jig, so let’s dance it together!

Speak soon,

Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,
email clerk@wedmore-pc.gov.uk

Wedmore Parish Council NEW  Website (for latest detailed minutes)

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

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