
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – March 2023

Parish Council Business

Hello Friends,

How lovely it is to have you here again, I’m getting quite fond of you all! Especially, when so many of you have started to say how much you enjoy these little ramblings of mine.

If you’re anything like me, I imagine you are wondering where the months are going. January seemed to pass with quite untraditional speed, and here we are at the beginning of March! This, to me especially, marks a huge milestone as I’ve almost completed a whole year as Parish Clerk, and what a year! The thing is, (and I won’t get too sentimental about it) but I hadn’t really realised until I started this ‘job’ how much passion I really do have for our little space in the world. My husband, Paul, is quite frequently infuriated by me and the fact that I very rarely listen to the news or, have previously, had very little interest in politics. Now, judge me as you will, BUT..

I’ve never really felt as though my voice will be heard or listened to and so it all felt a little irrelevant to me and my daily life. But since taking on the Clerk role, I’ve realised just how important every single person’s voice is. Every single consultation, questionnaire, interview or conversation holds the key to hearing people’s opinions, and in turn, being able to take those opinions and turn them into betterment, change and progress really holds the key to moving forward.

You may or may not feel the same as I did, that perhaps your voice is not being heard. Perhaps you have tried previously to suggest something or question something and felt dismissed or deflated. Please, try again! I promise the Parish Council, although only a consultee in many aspects, is here to act as your voice! It’s here to represent suggestions, ideas and concerns. It cannot do it without them, it cannot do it without you.

We are trying to raise the profile of the Parish Assembly, it was ‘in ye olde times’ a really popular and vibrant community evening, where ideas were discussed and plans made and people were brought together through their shared passion for their homes and village. I will send an invitation to you all soon. Please come. I’ll be very lonely that evening if you don’t, and probably quite sad!

Anyway to conclude;
• Councillors – Very good, WE NEED MORE!
• Warm in Wedmore – Going really well, people are really enjoying popping in. If you haven’t had the chance, go!
• Allotments are available for rent, email me if you would like to discuss this.
• Henry Butt Trophy nominations will be greatly received – more on this next month!
• Ideas for celebrations for the King’s Coronation. If you have an idea,  let’s chat.
• The Parish Council have won £500 towards a Health and Wellbeing
• project (Thanks to SALC) We filled in a Questionnaire!

There’s so much more, but Bill will be very upset with me, I’ll happily waffle on for
ages if you want – Let’s go for a coffee! Take care, Bye

Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,

Wedmore Parish Council NEW  Website (for latest detailed minutes)

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

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