Parish Council Business
After reading the Isle of Wedmore News for the vast majority of my life, it feels a
little surreal to now be writing as Clerk of the Parish Council.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the messages of support
and warm welcome. Thanks also must go to Rod, for his help and support in guiding
me through my first weeks. With elections taking place in the coming days, I am
looking forward to new beginnings and really hopeful that the good work that the
Parish Council have done thus far is continued with gusto.
With spring and new beginnings in mind, I would ask you to take a look at the
new website which is full of helpful information about the Parish, with the aim to
only continue to develop it more over the coming weeks and months. You can find
it at
Alongside the website we are going to become more present on social media,
offering up-to-date information, and details of local events and providing a platform to
showcase how the Parish Council are active in the community. Please give the page a
like and follow, you will find it by typing ‘Wedmore Parish Council’ in the Facebook
search bar. Finally, if you would like to get in touch with the Parish Council you can
‘Phew, it wasn’t as bad as I thought!’
Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087, email
Wedmore Parish Council NEW Website (for latest detailed minutes)