Parish Council Business
Hello again! I hope you are well.
I have so much I want to speak with you about. There’s so much I’d like to share
with you! Ideas, Plans, Progress, Initiatives, Collaborations. I don’t even know where
to start.
I suppose, before that, I should start with a ‘thank you!’ Thank you for your questions about the rise in Council Tax this year, thank you for your understanding as to why, and thank you for your continued support!
I promise you that the Parish Council are in your corner, now more than ever. The councillors have been coming up with ideas of how to show you, how to demonstrate
what we can do when we work together, and how to get more of you to join them in
order to lighten the load, and ultimately make more progress and make a greater
stand for our community.
Please, if you’ve been thinking about it, just do it, just send me an email, or speak to one of the councillors. There are a lot of ideas that we would like to implement but with just nine councillors out of a possible 18, we are very thin on the ground. I should also explain the reason we are now just nine.
Unfortunately, Judy Candy has made the decision to step down from the Parish Council after a number of years. Judy has worked hard to regenerate the popularity of the allotments and also continued to ensure the Parish Council keeps the Green Charter at the heart of all the decisions they make. If we can ever tempt you back Judy, you will be very welcome!
So, onto the good stuff…
How would you like to be part of our proactive parishioner’s group? We would love to reintroduce the idea of making sure Wedmore is looking great, and the little jobs are being done. Things like walking the Brook route and reporting back to areas that need maintenance or potential issues, the same with footpaths – broken stiles, locked
gates, broken or missing markers – all need reporting so we can get them repaired or replaced. Let’s all take a little pride in where we live. You never know, you may discover somewhere new, or make a new friend!
The public toilets in The Borough will get a facelift! Plans are well underway and we
are hopeful to have a better update soon.
The Parish Council are delighted to hear that the Street Fair will be back this year. It’s a really lovely opening to the ‘Wedmore Summer Season’ and to think that the pleas were heard and the event is now taking place just goes to show how much you all care about what does and doesn’t happen here.
Initiatives and Collaborations!
We would love for you to share ideas with us about what is important to you – things
like Nature, Green Energy, Better Transport Links, Community Events, Charity, Health and Wellbeing.
There are so many possibilities, and I understand that before, possibly, you have been met with resistance, but let’s change that! Things that are being explored at the moment include encouraging nature and wildlife into the Cemetery, improving safety at the car park and encouraging the younger members of the community to get involved with what’s going on outdoors! If you would like to get involved let me know.
Finally, the Annual Parish Assembly is fast approaching. You will all have received your invitation. Please come! I know I’ve said it before, but I will be really sad if you don’t come, I’ve organised nibbles and everything!
If you represent a group, association or team in Wedmore, Blackford or Theale, contact me for more information on how you can promote your work at the Annual Parish Assembly. This is a chance to attract new members and give opportunities for others to follow your lead. To take part contact
When you come, you’ll get to find out who has won the Henry Butt Trophy for 2023 first-hand and see the joy on their face when they realise how valued they are. It’s not formal, although there are some formalities, and it’s not just for grown-ups, you don’t need a sitter – you can bring the kids (mine have to come!)
It’s not a Parish Council Meeting, it’s not boring and, actually, it’s really informative.
Please make me a happy clerk and come along, you won’t regret it!
Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,
Wedmore Parish Council NEW Website (for latest detailed minutes)
NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes
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