
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – November 2021

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Isle of Wedmore News  – November

Parish Council business

The September meeting was held back at the Council Rooms after the visits to Blackford and Theale.  Cllr David Kirley chaired the meeting due to Polly Costello being on holiday.  Cllr Andy Reeson attended his first meeting and signed the Declaration Register.

The main agenda items centred on dogs.  Two complaints of dangerous and aggressive dogs had been received from walkers using the footpath from Sand Road to Pilcorn Street.  The complainants had been advised to contact the police and the Clerk also informed the Dog Warden at Sedgemoor who has enforcement powers.   One local resident had written to ask the Council to provide a piece of land so that his dog could run free.  Members felt this was not within their power and pointed out that there were lots of open spaces and droves around the village where dogs already run freely.  Members agreed to fund another dog waste bin in Combe Lane near the new footpath leading onto Cross Farm.

Some Councillors had met with traders to discuss the future of “Wedmore by Lamplight”.  There was talk of it being suspended but after the discussions members were supportive and hoped that it would continue this year.

Wedmore Parish Council September 2021 minutes

Wedmore Parish Council Website

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

Wedmore Parish Council, Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS284EA Telephone 713087, email:

Rod Pring, Parish Clerk

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