Parish Council Business
September was a particularly busy month for me, with budgets, planning and highways meetings as well as the full council meeting; there have been huge amounts to do in preparation for the upcoming months. Dare I say I’ve even had to start considering that
really special time towards the end of the year. If you are a retailer within Wedmore
and I haven’t been in touch with you already about Christmas trees, please let me
know. It really is a wonderful time of year in the village and I would hate for anyone
to not feel a part of it!
For those of you who have not heard, Wedmore First School Academy has welcomed a new Headteacher, Emma Tovey and also Deputy Headteacher, Shelly Kent. I hope they have found our community welcoming and I know they are keen
to get the school more involved with community life. If you would like to offer your
time or skills, I’m sure they would appreciate you getting in touch.
Thank you to those of you who continue to take pride and care in our wonderful
communities, from trimming back your own hedges and trees beside highways and
byways to offering to maintain other areas so they are more accessible for others to
use. It’s really great to have so many wonderful people in our villages. If you have a maintenance concern and are not sure where or how to report it, get in touch, I will do my best to help.
Finally, and you all know how much I love a cheeky little nag in this little space,
and I hope you are all getting to know that it’s only because I care, but please if you
walk a furry friend around, pick up after it! We have bins placed in many areas around
the village. It’s not nice for anyone to have to deal with the consequences of lazy pet
owners, so please use the facilities provided and if you think there is a particular area
that would benefit from a bin…let’s talk about it!
The next Council meeting will take place on 19 October 2022 in the Council Room,
agendas are available to view prior to the meeting on the various notice boards, in
the Council Room window or online at
Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,
Wedmore Parish Council NEW Website (for latest detailed minutes)