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Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – September 2023

Parish Council Business

Hello Stranger! It’s been what, a month? How are you?
I hope August was kind to you, for me it was a whirlwind and now here we are in

Firstly, thank you all so much for the many birthday wishes I have received since
the last issue. I definitely felt very special for the whole of August, made even better
as my birthday isn’t actually until early September, but as a huge advocate for birthday
celebrations (especially mine!), I like people to be well-prepared.

Anyway I know it’s not all about me; you want to hear about the Parish Council. August at the Parish Council has been well, dare I say, quite productive. Early on I attended the very first LCN (Local Community Network) meeting for our area. The tagline of the invitation states ‘Identify and respond to local priorities. Influence decisions and how services are delivered locally. Councillors, local groups, partners, and residents joining together to make change happen.’ I am hopeful that, after a few more meetings, we may get down to some of this because, quite honestly, ‘Party in a brewery’ springs to mind when I recall that evening. However, I was there for us – for you – in the hope of being able to navigate this new way of working together the best I can.

Ultimately, to bring positive change to the wider community partnership, hopefully.
(cross fingers and toes).

We are making good progress with the initial plans for the public toilet refurbishment. Thank you to James at LSL Architecture for taking on this project. It is hoped that we can not only improve the facilities but also be more considerate of the decisions taken to improve inclusion and sustainability in the hope of making steps towards carbon neutrality.

In the same vein, following a very interesting meeting with a company interested
in installing an EV charging point in the village car park, the council will be carrying
out some market research over the coming weeks. I’m going to have to explore the
best way to do that – perhaps a fancy survey on the website? Hmm

Anyway! Back to me, well not really. I need to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Annette who has been volunteering at the office, helping to rid the many, many filing cabinets of their hefty loads over the last few weeks, and who I hope, will continue to be a big part of ‘office life’ at the Parish Council. You are an absolute gem! Now, if you could all form an orderly queue for all the other volunteer positions in the village, I’m sure we can allocate you a role accordingly!

#EveryoneShouldVolunteerForSomething – Catch you later!

Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,
email clerk@wedmore-pc.gov.uk

Wedmore Parish Council NEW  Website (for latest detailed minutes)

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

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