The business at the December meeting is usually kept to a bare minimum so that all of the Council members and myself can have an early evening and prepare for Christmas. The main item of business was to approve the budget for the next financial year. This was unanimously agreed and it was also agreed not to increase the Parish precept for the coming year. This will remain at £65k and is the amount paid by the District Council to the Parish Council for the running of the parish.
Wedmore by Lamplight
Despite the awful weather St Mary’s Church was full for the annual crib service and the Parish Council paid for and distributed mince pies following the service. Christmas trees were also distributed to local businesses and the Council paid for street entertainers to entertain the visitors in The Borough.
Henry Butt Trophy
Nominations are being sought for a worthy winner of this prestigious trophy awarded for service to the local community. Last year it was presented to the “Tuesday Club” as a reward for the tremendous work the committee do in the village. If you wish to nominate someone, please write to the Parish Clerk with details and the winner will be presented with the trophy at the Annual Parish Meeting on Weds. 28th March 2018.
Rod Pring
Parish Council Clerk