IoWN 519 June 2023
- Editor – I am still looking to stand down as Editor, but after this, my 100th Edition, I will stay and do a few more as no one has come forward. This is also my excellent colleague Liz Sweeney’s 100th Edition, so a huge thank you to Liz for all the splendid work you do in support of the IoW News. However, may I again repeat the request for a successor, so if you are interested, please give me a call.
- Hidden Gardens of Wedmore – 24 and 25 June
- Wedmore Good Neighbours – The Number is 01934 806299
- Friends of St Mary’s – Church Weather Vane
- Wedmore Tuesday Club
- Charity Gifts to Wedmore Guides and Scouts
- The Bluebird Café @ Wedmore