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Isle of Wedmore Parish News – October

Parish Council business

The August meeting was held at Theale Village Hall with a good attendance of local residents.

Somerset County Councillor David Huxtable was in attendance and reported that a property developer was submitting a planning application for housing on Blackford Road which would result in the zebra crossing being removed and replaced by traffic calming measures.

He was totally opposed to this and felt the Highways Department would object in the strongest terms. Parish Council members were looking for the crossing to be further enhanced rather than removed and would make their feelings known to the developer at a forthcoming meeting.

One resident was concerned that there was no safe route for cyclists and pedestrians within the Parish.  He was informed that the emerging Neighbourhood Plan partly addressed this matter and all residents were encouraged to support it. It was agreed to make a grant towards the forthcoming WW1 exhibition at the Wedmore Village Hall being organised by Dr Tim Moreman

Fingerpost Appeal

David Ewens has so far raised almost £9k from voluntary donations within the parish and a charitable foundation.  This is a marvellous achievement and the Parish Council has made a grant of £1k towards the project.

There are not many post left to refurbish and I know David is anxious to complete the project by the end of the year.

Any further donations would be gratefully received and cheques, however small, will be most welcome at the Council Rooms.


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