Please note: a Facebook account is not required (just skip the Login request)
The Isle of Wedmore Facebook <<== click here to see the latest Facebook news from our businesses, clubs and organisations as they post on Facebook.
Businesses and Organisations: Wedmore Website FB has 867 Facebook Followers and is growing to share your very latest post news every day.<<<=====
With our Wedmore Website’s daily visitors: local, around the UK and overseas, will see comprehensive information throughout the website about our fantastic village!
!!!! Breaking News: See important Neighbourhood Watch Alerts on our Wedmore Facebook: !!!!!
The following are just some of the many local Facebook accounts whose posts we re-post selectively (not able to re-post all posts):
- Wedmore Real Ale Festival | Facebook
- The George
- The Body Clinic
- NHS posts
- Allerton Villages Online
- Somerset Waste Partnership