
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – August 2022

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Parish Council Business

Well, what happened to July?

I’m starting to get to grips a little more with my role here at the Council now, and one thing I have come to realise is, certainly, there is never one day the same! Last month alone I was called this way and that. Inspections of the brook due to overgrown vegetation, a snake at the allotments (although thankfully I was not needed on site to deal with that – who knew a grass snake could get as big!). I’ve also been putting together Platinum Jubilee benches, which hopefully some of you will have had the chance to enjoy.

The Council members have obviously been busy too – with allotment inspections, multiple pieces of training and yes, still trying to recruit new members! The meeting in June raised some interesting points which I wanted to convey to you here, in case you haven’t had the opportunity to read the minutes, which are published on the website.

Firstly, to clarify – ALL of the Parish Council Members are volunteers, they are not paid for any of the time they dedicate to making improvements to our community. Each of them will have different reasons for willingly committing this time, and each of them should be held in great esteem for doing it.

You will have noticed from my numerous pleas to you all, that people willing to give time freely are very few and far between, and yet the expectations placed onto these people are somewhat disproportionate to the regard that is given to them when progress is made. Please be mindful of this when emailing or using social media, telephoning or speaking with your neighbours in the street. Surely the reason we love this place is that we have such strong community values and want the same things!

Secondly, as you are aware, there is an ongoing project to ensure safe passage around Wedmore for walkers and cyclists alike. Currently, though, the paths that are in place are often narrow which can in itself become a hazard with the speed many like to travel. I would like to ask those of you with property near paths and roads to maintain the vegetation that grows; let’s all do our bit to ensure we are taking responsibility for keeping each other safe.

Finally, and I’m hoping you haven’t already turned the page, because genuinely all of the people I have come to meet through my job here so far have been lovely, I would just like to say, please, let’s be a little kinder to each other. A little more tolerant of each other, and let’s work together to create an even greater place to live! I’ll stop lecturing now and get on with the task at hand!

Trim those bushes! 😉

Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,

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