From: School Admissions <SchoolAdmissions@somerset.
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 1:06 PM
Subject: FW: Starting or Transferring School 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Parents and carers of children due to start or transfer school in September 2019 can now apply using the on-line application form.
You will note in previous years, you have received a poster which we have kindly asked you to display to your parishioners. However, this year we no longer have the resources to produce posters to send to you and therefore, The Admissions & Entitlements Team would be grateful for your help in raising awareness by reminding parents to apply using any social media you may use or by publishing notices in newsletters. This is especially important this year as due to the restriction on resources we are also unable to send letters to parent/carer’s home addresses. With the increasing demand for school places it is more important than ever that parents make an on-time application and therefore appreciate any support you may be able to provide.
Below is some wording which you may wish to use.
Thank you for your help and assistance with this matter.
Best regards,
School Admissions Team
For the attention of all parents/carers with a child due to start or transfer school in September 2019.
If your child is due to start school for the first time (will be age 4 before 1st September 2019) or due to transfer to a junior, middle, secondary or upper school then it is very important you make an on time school place application.
Deadline for primary admissions 15th January 2019
Deadline for secondary admissions 31st October 2018
To download the primary or secondary booklet for parent’s, to make an on-line application and for further information please visit our website Please phone 0300 123 2224 if you require a paper application form or further advice.