Parish Council business
Wedmore Parish Council June minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
The June meeting was well attended and members listened to a representative from Gigaclear who have been working in the area for some time installing fibre optic cables. Many residents were without phones and broadband after a subcontractor cut through a cable at Cocklake during a busy weekend.
The Gigaclear rep. apologised on behalf of the company and accepted that the numerous complaints received might not have been handled well. An out of hours contact number was provided in case of any further issues.
The Council agreed to make a grant of £800 to Wedmore Harvest Home to part-sponsor the afternoon children’s tea. This money will come from the Community Infrastructure levy (CIL) which is paid to the District Council by property developers and part is returned to the Parish for community projects.
Consideration is being given to merging the three play area committees within the Parish and to provide some funding for updating play equipment etc.
Overhanging hedges
Just a reminder now that the nesting season is over to cut back any overhanging hedges and shrubs so that pedestrians and traffic can move freely. It is the landowner’s responsibility to cut back hedges but if it fails to happen, the Highways Department will do it and charge the owner accordingly.
Council vacancy
There is still a vacancy on the Parish Council for a Theale representative. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk for more details