Parish Council business
At the November meeting of the Council, Mrs Jacky Farley from Bagley was welcomed as a co-opted Councillor representing Theale Ward. A request was made for further funding to finish the first floor of the sports pavilion at the Wedmore Playing Fields. This matter was deferred for consideration by the Finance Committee. Cathy Butterworth and Eileen Gillibrand reported on their recent “Wellbeing” events held at various halls in the village. The events had been well received and a directory containing details of social groups and organisations had been circulated to every household in the parish. The Chairman thanked them both for all their hard work. Mr Paul Tatterton, Head of Hugh Sexey’s academy attended the meeting to hear members discuss ways of finding safe routes to both schools for cyclists and pedestrians. Plans are being considered to create a new footpath in Pilcorn Street and a cycle route along Blackford Road. Councillors agreed to support the Governors at Hugh Sexeys in their quest to find a safe means of getting to school.
Remembrance Sunday
Several members of the Council attended the annual Remembrance Service at St Mary’s Church in November and the Chairman laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish. The large poppies that have been placed on all main routes through the parish were purchased by the Council and seem to have much appreciated by locals and visitors alike. Mention of them was made in the local paper and several enquiries have been received from other parishes.
Finally on behalf of the Chairman and all members of the Parish Council I wish you and your families a very Happy New Year
Henry Butt Trophy
The trophy will be presented at the Annual Parish Assembly at the end of March. Suggested nominations of local individuals or organisations who might be considered worthy winners of this trophy would be greatly appreciated. Please send directly to the Clerk at the Council Rooms
Rod Pring
Anyone interested should contact the Clerk for more details.
Wedmore Parish Council November minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset
BS284EA Telephone 713087,