14 Oct – Update from Parish Council – Road works and closures:
The Combe batch / Cross Farm vision splay works are set to commence on Monday 14th October.
The bottom half of the Lerburne will be closed for approx 10 days from the 21st October whilst road works are being carried out.
Dando’s Lane will be closed for approx 10 days whilst utility works are carried out.
Parish Council Business The August meeting of the Council was held at Theale Village Hall.
As August is peak holiday season only eight Councillors and three residents were in attendance.
The Chairman informed the meeting that improvements to the Council Rooms had been completed including an updated heating and hot water system and new flooring throughout the building. The work on creating a disabled parking space and access was on hold pending an inspection by a structural engineer.
The Council agreed to make a grant to the 3C’s Harvest Home committee who were celebrating their 40th anniversary this year.
It also agreed to pay for the car park barrier to be replaced and to make a sizeable contribution towards some re-surfacing in Combe Lane where the bulk of traffic attending the Scout Hut and allotments had over the years created some serious potholes and verge damage. Speed humps would also be installed as part of the remedial work.
A request to fund some Christmas lights in the Borough and Church Street was deferred for more information as was a request to part-fund the defibrillator at the Wedmore Playing Fields.
Plans are well underway to form a new Play Area committee to cover the three play areas within the Parish under the leadership of Cllr Polly Costello. Council Vacancy There is still a vacancy on the Parish Council for a Theale representative.
Anyone interested should contact the Clerk for more details.
Wedmore Parish Council August minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset
BS284EA Telephone 713087,
email: wedmoreparishcouncil@gmail.com