RNLI Winscombe & District Branch will hold an “Autumn Plant & Garden Jumble Sale” from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon on Saturday 22nd October at the Winscombe Community Centre,
11 Sandford Road, BS25 1JA. Stalls will include a full range of bulbs and winter plants;
Garden Jumble including patio items and tubs; Garden & Domestic tools; and Guest Stalls.
Contact Allan Cooper by e-mail allan.coop@tiscali.co.uk or tel 01934-842954 or Tina Joyce by e-mail meejlfh@gmail.com or tel 01934-842304 for more details.
Branch members will collect any items donated for this sale ahead of the date. Most importantly, please turn up to support the continuing task of “Saving Lives at Sea”