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The Isle of Wedmore Society – 2024 Programme


26 September – Representatives from Wedmore Parish Council (WPC) & Somerset County Council (SCC) (tbc):  Our day-to-day life in Wedmore Parish is affected by local as well as national policies and practice. Given the recent changes in structure of local Government, WPC and SCC will help us understand more about the changes and haw things are managed now.

Month Speaker and topic
Jan 25 Steve Mewes:  ‘Green Wedmore and Wedmore Village Farm – the journey, the future.’  From its humble origins in 2006 Green Wedmore has achieved much, not least the spawning of many other green related projects like Wedmore Community Power Co-Op, Wilder Wedmore and now Wedmore Village Farm. Steve Mewes will will take everyone on a light-hearted journey through the ups & downs, as well as the future of this village group helping the parish on its sustainable journey.The Annual General Meeting  will follow this Presentation
Feb 22 Tim Richens:   ‘My journey from accident to recovery (almost!).‘  Tim will give an inspirational talk on how he went out for a night out, had an accident, spent several days in a coma, a few more weeks in hospital and many years trying to’ regain his brain!’   He gives insights for us all on how to ‘help yourself to your own recovery!’
March 28 Jennifer Moorcroft:  Dentistry: what your check-up reveals about you.’  A dentist, Jennifer will explore in her presentation what your check-up reveals about you.  For example the dietary, lifestyle, health and medical conclusions she can draw abut a patient just by looking in their mouth.  She also  hopes to be able to get hold of some skulls to delve into the diet an lifestyle and habits of previous generations. There will be a Q&A session at the end.
April 25 Sally Heslop: A Newcomer’s perspective of Wedmore. Sally will give her perspective on what living in Wedmore is like for a newcomer and will invite discussion about her experience.
May 23  Philip Butterworth:  ‘A home through time.’  Philip will give an account of his home, from the first fire in the grate around 1750 to the present day.  He will link its story to local and national history, which may have affected it during its lifetime.
Sept 26 Representatives from Wedmore Parish Council (WPC) & Somerset County Council (SCC) (tbc):  Our day-to-day life in Wedmore Parish is affected by local as well as national policies and practice. Given the recent changes in structure of local Government, WPC and SCC will help us understand more about the changes and haw things are managed now.
Oct 24 Sue Goodland.  Education Adviser (Bristol, Somerset, South Glos),  Wessex Water. ‘Life down the plughole/toilet.’  Discover what happens to all that waste water when it arrives at our water recycling centres and how it is turned into fertiliser, gas, electricity and bio fuel.
Nov 28 Tim Moreman:  ‘The Fallen of World War Two from Wedmore Parish.’  During the month  of remembrance, Tim will remember and pay tribute to people of Wedmore Parish who fought and fell in World War Two.


 31 Dec 2023  (Revised 2024 Programme)

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