Green Wedmore
You will see below that a great deal is happening at present.
Huge thanks to the Parish Council and to all of you in the village for giving Green Wedmore the support needed to create this momentum.
The climate news around the world is very bad and it falls to us all as individuals and as a community to do our best.
Wild for Wildlife in Wedmore.
An initiative based on a marvellous project in Wellington that encourages us all to garden in a wildlife friendly way. See the article elsewhere in this edition of the Isle of Wedmore News with details about how your garden can become a ‘Wildlife Hero’.
Wilder Churches.
Working with Richard Neill and the St. Mary’s team to affiliate St Mary’s to the Wilder Churches scheme and create a churchyard that looks cared for whilst being managed as a haven for wildflowers, insects and fauna.
Worthington Woods
The ‘Food Forest’ is blooming. Bat boxes have been added by the water company’s helpful tree surgeons when trimming the poplar trees
Moths to a Flame.
Taking advantage of grant money to create an art installation using re-used plastic. More information about this project soon
Close to Home Cookbook.
The community cookbook is with us, and at just £7 is selling well. Watch out for pop up stalls at events such as The Theale Show and The Beer Festival. Thanks to Jan Daintree the cookbooks are always on sale in The Cottage Gallery. Profit from sales will be ploughed back into community projects
Cycle Hubs.
Plans are underway to look at providing and siting cycle repair and maintenance hubs in the village
The Solar 1000
Thanks to Wedmore’s own ‘Sunlit Solar’, many Wedmore residents are taking advantage of the scheme. Watch out for banners outside the houses of completed projects. Watch out also soon for news soon about a similar Heat Pump project
Solar Panels for the Bowls Club.
Green Wedmore is helping the Bowls Club with the supply of free solar panels to take advantage of their well orientated roof
Warmer Wedmore.
Good news from the Parish Council that district council funds should become available to help retro-fit local housing association houses to bring them up to heating and insulation norms
EV Chargers.
More good news from the Parish Council about a project to increase the number of Electric Vehicle chargers in the village car parks and elsewhere around the village
Upcoming Events.
– Freecycle Day on 19th September in the village car park on the Cheddar Road. 10am to Midday
– Village Litter Pick day on Sunday 31st October
– Repair Café – ‘The Return’. Look out for the next Repair Café on a Saturday in early December
Green Wedmore AGM
– Monday 27th September – venue to be confirmed
– The Chairman and Secretary positions will become vacant
– With 400 of you regularly seeing our Facebook page and website, it is hoped that Green Wedmore can increase the number of people playing an active role – particularly from a younger group!
David Hopkins
07984 9824432