The community bus has vacancies for volunteer drivers for Scheduled Services on Mondays to Fridays and/or Private Hire for community and social groups on weekday evenings and at
We would particularly welcome volunteers connected with community groups as we’d like to expand the use of the bus by this sector.
Driving the bus
• isn’t a big commitment. Many volunteers are only available occasionally, but they still make a valuable contribution. Even the volunteers who drive most frequently rarely drive more than once a month and they only drive at times when they make themselves available.
• is very rewarding as it provides an important service to many local residents.
• is great fun as the bus is a friendly place where there is normally a happy buzz
of conversation and plenty of laughs.
• isn’t difficult. All drivers are given free training by an approved Somerset CC trainer. This is provided before the volunteer starts driving and is repeated every 4 years.
Volunteers do need to have category D1 on their driving licence, but this should be available on all licences gained before September 2008. They will also need to undergo a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service) which we will arrange at no cost to the volunteer.
If so, please contact us either by email on or by telephone Phil
Butterworth on 01934 712775