lifestyle Changes – Pass it On
Dr Joey Mc Hugh from Wedmore Medical Practice is crystal clear, the NHS implores; ‘What we REALLY need people to do is follow the social distancing and the social isolation advice’. You can find more by clicking here – on their website.
However, we may become “time rich” if we make good decisions for our own and community health.
If social isolating and we feel well, we may use time to improve our fitness and wellbeing. This includes simple exercise, good nutrition choices, a positive focus and using technology to stay in touch with friends and family.
By moving just 2 minutes every half hour that adds up to 64 minutes over a 16 hour day.
Exercise has many benefits including to our immune system. Try not to over-sit or snack. Avoid “comfort food”
At a level that suits, good movement includes Chair squats, Planks and Press ups against the wall/stairs, Star jumps (without the jumps!) Marching on the spot (Aerobics),
Weight lifting/Resistance training (with tins of beans – forget bags of sugar!) Up and down the stairs often to avoid a well known medical condition known as “Bungalow Bum”
You can view Dr Stuart McGill”s “Non negotiable big 3 exercises” on YouTube.- Superman, Hip and Side bridges – particularly recommended if you have back issues.
Excellent if you have a garden. Still try to grow some of your own healthy food, but it can double up as your Great Green Gym. Keeping social distance, you may be able to exercise with your neighbours!!! (Italian Style)
Likewise, think of your lounge as your Fitness Factory and your Kitchen as your Personal Wellness Studio! Spend the time as you would on a Health Farm, but without the cost! You are the celebrity in the house!
If you need to drop some weight, 1-2 lbs per week over 14 weeks adds up 1 or 2 stones and an excellent use of time.
In 14 weeks you can see a big improvement in markers for health and wellbeing. Important to avoid issues through inactivity.
Overdoing screen time is not good. But using technology to stay in touch with friends and family will reduce feelings of isolation. That is enduring.
Try to spread around your own positive experience of self-care and your own/shared keep fit techniques and success stories.
Always speak to your health professional first if you have any health issues. This may be done over the phone in the first instance.
John Beasley 01749 672482