
Wedmore – Exercise Health (May)

STAY IN – WORK OUT  This is the new exercise Mantra.
Still take advantage of the many health benefits from daily walking, cycling or running if you can.
If appropriate try to walk at a pace that raises your pulse but you can still hold a conversation. Maybe try power walking
Swing your arms to massage your lower back. Stuart McGill, the back pain specialist, calls this “Back Balm”.
Walking being mindful of nature also refreshes the mind as well as the lungs and has virtually the same benefits as running, but is low impact.
Good to supplement your daily walk with some exercises in your own home and the garden is an ideal location. If you can, increase your “activities of daily life”
Staying active at all stages of life will help with psychological as well as physical wellbeing.  The two are connected and soon help create better movement, moods and habits.
So, good to aim to keep fit following those wise old words “little and often” (standing up from sitting every 30 minutes) and “slow and steady wins the race”. Of course “variety is the spice of life” in terms of exercise.
Definitely do not overdo it but aim to progress a better lifestyle with what is called the “exercise effect”.
Focus on slow easy breathing that also helps relax the body and mind and will contribute to a good nights sleep.
Always speak to your health professional first if you have any health issues. This may be done over the phone in the first instance.
John Beasley  01749 672482

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