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Wedmore – Exercise Tip of the Month (March)


Spring forward with the clocks changing

Try to progress your activities and exercise sessions. There are so many benefits in a healthy improving lifestyle; from lowering blood pressure to lubricating joints.

“Motion is literally Lotion” Sitting is now regarded as the “new smoking” The best advice is to move every half hour. Most people spend more time sat on the loo than they do exercising. Moving is Improving. And no time like the present!

So re- set your body clock to ring the changes and keep your cogs in best shape. Marching on the spot is good. Swing the arms to help with core stability. Strike up a good pace. Mobility improves Stability.

So tune in to Exercise Easter. Experience getting into your best condition. Remember to strengthen your spine. Use the safest bending forward technique, particularly if planting those potatoes on “Good Friday” (avoid the Couch Potato variety).

Many doctors surgeries are busy at the start of the week, treating the Week End Warriors!

Time to move on. There is a FREE HEALTH EVENT in Glastonbury Town Hall in April with Somerset GP Dr Campbell Murdoch. Booking is essential. and can be done online at www.creating-health.org.uk (Details to follow) The focus is on Nutrition, with optional Tai Chi exercise.

Always speak to your doctor if you have any health issues.

Have fun at Easter. “Make Every Step Count.

Enjoy meandering alongside March’s magnificent meadows.

John Beasley

Tel: 01749 672482

Web: www.pilogafit.co.uk

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