
Wedmore Neighbourhood Plan

Westholme Farm Site early pictures 15 April 2019


Referendum result

Thank you….

for voting in our referendum.  The referendum asked the following question:

“Do you want Sedgemoor District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Wedmore Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

48.1% of voters of Wedmore Parish  answered

      • YES – 881 votes
      • NO – 149 votes
      • Spoilt or not counted votes – 19

A massive endorsement of the plan and all the hard work that went into its preparation and examination!

So, the next steps are to incorporate the known changes into the successful draft Neighbourhood Plan and publish these on a date to be announced, so the Plan can take effect.

More soon……

March 1, 2019

Examiner’s Report now available

The Examiner’s Report into the Neighbourhood Plan was received on the 26th February.  The Report confirms that, with certain modifications, the plan can now proceed to Referendum.  This will take place on Thursday 2nd May, the same date as the District and Parish Council elections.

The Examiner’s report and her recommendations can be downloaded – Click here.

    • Want a printed copy? Call the Parish Clerk on 01934 713087 first and arrange to collect a copy from The Council Room, Grants Lane, Wedmore.  There may be a small charge for the printed copy to cover Parish Council costs.

The Examiner’s recommendations are non negotiable, so they will all be incorporated in the final plan.  However, they include :

      • The affordable housing threshold will be reduced from 11 units to 6 units
      • She has no objection to an affordable housing ‘local lettings’ policy which gives priority to Wedmore residents and workers
      • She increases the capacity of the Westholme Farm site from 11 to 16 homes to reflect the permission granted by Sedgemoor
      • She removes the low carbon / energy efficient proposals where they were to apply to housing, they now apply only to commercial development
      • The individual components of the Wedmore Transport Strategy are moved from Policy WED8 to the supporting text – Some design criteria are deleted.

If a majority of those who vote in the Referendum vote in favour of the Plan, it will become a statutory part of the development plan and all planning applications will have to have regard to its provisions.

Please use your vote on May the 2nd!  It’s on the same day as the District and Parish elections and the procedure is exactly the same.

Everyone on the electoral roll will get a polling card and when they get to the polling station (or receive their postal vote papers) there will be and additional voting slip relating to the Neighbourhood Plan.  Obviously, you can only vote if you are over 18 and on the electoral roll.

Bob Sellwood
(Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Group)

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