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Wedmore Parish Council business – February 2019


Wedmore Parish Council December minutes

Wedmore Parish Council Website


The Finance Committee met in early December to draw up the budget for the next financial year. Additional spending would be needed to fund a new street lamp in Mudgley Road, the purchase of a Speed Indicator Device and alterations to the Council Rooms, to include upgrading the heating and creation of a disabled access and parking space. The budget was agreed by the full Council at its December meeting with no increase in the parish precept.

By the time you read this magazine, work should have started on the Cross Farm development. Part of the development will be a recreational area for all ages and Cllr. Polly Costello has been in discussions with the developer to ensure the play equipment will be of good quality. It has been agreed that when the recreation area is complete, the management will be handed to the Parish Council so that it will be available for all villagers to enjoy.

The Lamplight celebrations this year was favoured with good weather and a high attendance. The Parish Council were pleased to make a grant towards the street entertainers and to provide Christmas trees to churches and local businesses


from the December minutes  …

“18.12.2.  REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS – Cllr Huxtable reported that County were now in a position to continue funding local bus services for the foreseeable future and was undertaking a survey of town centre parking needs.  The Chairman asked him about temporary roadworks that were springing up all over the area.  Cllr Huxtable explained that they were trying to get contractors to work together to minimise disruption. Cllr Candy asked when the Cheddar to Wells road would re-open.  The Clerk replied that this was due to open for light traffic on 21st December but HGV’s and buses would continue to be diverted for a further short period. Cllr Tinney asked about responsibility for drainage ditches. There were two in his area that needed attention.  Cllr Huxtable replied that Highways Dept. were responsible for clearing water from the road surface including unblocking drains but blocked ditches were the responsibility of landowners. Cllr George agreed to photograph the affected areas.  Cllr Costello asked about the missing chevron sign on Mudgley Road.  Cllr Huxtable would make further enquiries.”


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