Coronavirus (COVID‑19)
For the very latest click on below link:
18 Jan 1h
People aged 70 & over and the clinically extremely vulnerable in England will now be invited to get their COVID-19 vaccination.
While the vaccination programme is underway, it’s still vital that we follow social distancing guidelines.
5th December
The COVID-19 vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people to ensure it has met the required standards of safety and effectiveness.
Coronavirus vaccine
Read more about the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
Latest Wedmore COVID support
29 September
Hi everyone,
As we approach the Autumn we wanted to get back in touch to say the Wedmore Parish COVID 19 support group is still here to help anyone in need.
Hopefully, there won’t be a second spike and so far it looks like our area is escaping the worst.
We have a new flyer going out to all households to remind them the COVID 19 Support Group is still here and happy to help.
Do you need some help?
- If you need some help due to lockdown and self-isolating, please let us know. We have lots of lovely volunteers that are more than happy to help.
- If you have received help and no longer need it please let us know so we can update our records?
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who have helped out so much since we all started lockdown in March.
- Hopefully, you are still happy to volunteer but if not please drop us a line and we will take you off our volunteer list.
- Please let us know if you come across any new volunteers.
- Would you be happy to help deliver flyers, especially in Wedmore and Blackford?
Thank you for all your help and we hope you stay well.
All the best
Wedmore Parish Council Covid-19 Support Group
How not to wear a face mask!!!