The zoomers comments:
It is great to exercise with familiar faces and this adds to the sense of community spirit. Wedmore’s answer to Jo Wicks! SG
I love walking every day but find the classes different movement patterns beneficial to my joints and muscles. I can exercise at my own fitness level and not feel out of it. MS
Self-care is really important so the classes help with motivation and movement. I like mindful movement and slow easy breathing, full and deep in Tai Chi JC
I really enjoy exercising at home and looking out onto my garden. I don’t have to drive and park. The PilogaFit exercise combinations of Aerobics and Weight lifting techniques with bottles of water help with my spine and core stability. LS
The whole family can join in. Even the dog enjoys it and finds it calming! JR
Zoom classes have filled the gap and help us focus positively on our health and wellbeing. JH
The exercises are great and the opportunity to chat to others before and after the class is very enjoyable. HG
Long may these zoom classes continue. Big fan! PS
Always speak to your health professional first if you have any health issues. This may be done over the phone in the first instance.
To find out more contact John Beasley 01749 672482