
Important News from the Wedmore Parish Council – February 2023

Parish Council Business

Hello, people of Wedmore!

I hope your day is going ok? I hope you’ve had the chance to take a minute and appreciate how fortunate you are today, and how grateful we are to have you here. If you haven’t, now’s your chance to reflect. Just humour me for a minute. Take a second and think about what you have achieved today.

We often start the year full of ideas and hope, pledging to make things better for ourselves or the ones around us, and whether your plans are going well and gathering momentum, or have taken a different course and require a little more time, that’s ok! Whether you’ve shared your thoughts or prefer to work on them personally, that’s ok too.

The fact is, it’s very easy to forget sometimes, that everyone is doing something. Whether you are an active volunteer within our community, someone who regularly donates to charities helping others within our community or whether you are a good neighbour or friend and just check in on someone now and again, what you’re doing for our villages, for our community, for our friends and family is appreciated, it’s valued, and it’s needed. All you do helps to make this place so special. And if you think, there’s a little part of me that isn’t quite content, needs a little more fulfilment, or even challenging, perhaps, look around you!

There are so many amazing groups, societies, organisations and clubs within our villages, you will find something. I’ve joked to many of you reading this, that I feel sometimes like starting a little ‘honours board’ in my little space to mention people who have gone above and beyond within the last month to make things a little better, a little nicer or just a little easier for us all. But the truth is, I’m not sure there would be enough space, there certainly wouldn’t be enough space to do my regular plug to recruit more Parish Councillors 😉 and I know that a mention in the Wedmore News is not the reason that they do it, but this month I have been asked to mention a few people who gave their time and expertise over the festive season to make Wedmore that little bit more festive.

Dave Tucker, Jason Beasley and Mike Rogers all helped with putting up and taking down the Christmas lights, so thank you, guys! There’s no official certificate, badge or sash yet… but maybe that’s an idea! I hope that, perhaps, I’ve given you something to think about. I hope that February is a good month for you all and will look forward to updating you about the exciting things happening over the coming weeks soon!

Lindsey Baker
Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
Telephone 713087,

Wedmore Parish Council NEW  Website (for latest detailed minutes)

NEW: Sedgemoor Council Monthly Minutes

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