Parish Council business
Wedmore Parish Council April minutes
Wedmore Parish Council Website
There was no election for Parish Councillors this May as not enough candidates volunteered. As a result several new Councillors were appointed in an “uncontested election” (which actually saved the Parish about £3k !) At the May meeting the Chairman welcomed Joanne Keen, Matthew Ainge, Dennis Briaris and Adrian Fear. All representing the Wedmore Ward and Andrew Landers and Shaun Thorogood representing Theale. There is still a vacancy for a Councillor at Theale and one other at Blackford so if anyone is interested, please contact the Clerk for details. At the April meeting several long-standing Councillors stood down. These included Jessica Healey, Mike Bethel, Edwin Badman and Nick Avery. Jessica’s career spanned over 34 years in local government. The Chairman presented each with an engraved memento together with his thanks for their loyal service over many years. Rikki Isgar, Louise Seymour and Steve George had also decided not to continue in office after serving a four year term.
Other Council Business
The members agreed to support “Green Wedmore” in their emergency climate change and ecological motion following a very impressive presentation from Steve Mewes. Wedmore in Bloom were awarded a grant towards planting and a Speed Indicator Device was purchased on behalf of the village using funds from the Community Infrastructure levy.