
Sedgemoor District Council – Your say on how your council tax is spent ……

News Release


Sedgemoor District Council wants residents to have their say on how Sedgemoor District Council should spend its proportion of the Council Tax in its annual budget consultation.     The budget cycle in Sedgemoor starts now, with the final decisions on budgets are taken in mid-February 2019.

Your say on how your council tax is spent ……

Sedgemoor District Council                                                                           Corporate Relations Manager:  Claire Faun



Bridgwater House                                                                                            Direct Dial:  01278 435320

King Square, Bridgwater                                                                                 Fax:  01278 445500

Somerset, TA6 3AR                                                                                          e-mail:

General Enquiries:   0300 303 7800                                                 



Date:  September 7, 2018


The Council continues to work within a very tight budget and will be reviewing its services to make sure that every penny is spent wisely.   SDC gets approximately 9p in the £ from each pound paid in council tax, the other 91p being split between Somerset County Council, the Police, Fire and Rescue services and Parish/Town councils.   The questionnaire will also be available to complete online at the following web address:  The consultation period will run from until October 19, 2018.


Sedgemoor has been carrying out an annual budget consultation exercise for several years, in order to ensure the views of the public are considered when making decisions regarding budgets and priorities.  Sedgemoor has been successful with Budget Consultation in previous years, but is looking to sustain that success and improve further in order to give as large and wide a group as possible the opportunity to participate and have their say. The budget consultation exercise is carried out by SDC staff and involves 10,000 questionnaires being sent out to a random sample of Sedgemoor residents.


For further information or to request a questionnaire please call 0300 303 7800.



Claire Faun

Corporate Relations Manager

Sedgemoor District Council

Bridgwater House

King Square


Somerset    TA6 3AR


tel:  01278 435320


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