Important Update 4 August
Theale Show 5th September
Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided we can’t hold a “live” Show this year, so we’re going to have a “Virtual” one – the first in our history! We hope you’ll like this fun alternative to holding our long-established Competition that’s open to everyone!
There are fewer, but still varied, Classes for you to enter. All you have to do is to create an exhibit for a specific Class or classes you choose, take a photo of it and send the photo (not the actual exhibit!) to us enter it into the Competition. It’s completely free!
Go to for much more info and Schedule of classes & Entry Forms
We are still eager to stage Theale Flower Show, a lovely village event, on Saturday 5 September starting at 3 pm.
Of course, the event will almost certainly be radically different from the ‘traditional’ Flower Show you’ll have been used to in previous years. Naturally, we will work hard to make it a safe, regulation/guidance compliant, varied and enjoyable event for all concerned.
The organising team are meeting regularly (but virtually!) to keep everything under review.
The heart of the Show has always been the competition for garden produce of all kinds together with arts and crafts, with competition classes for children only as well as classes open to all and we plan to continue this. Normally you’d be seeing our printed programme of activities and competition classes about now but COVID-19 has made that impossible.
So, you can do this online at at any time. Go online and see what classes are available to you.
Of course, the situation can change rapidly so we encourage you to keep up to date via Facebook (search for ‘Theale Flower Show’) or online at
Finally, you’ll have noticed that, following extensive discussions with the organising team and long-time members, we’ve decided to change the name of the Show to ‘Theale Show’ to reflect the changing nature of the Show (decreasing fruit and vegetable entries and activities significantly increased craft and other activities).
In the future, we also want to develop the Show into a wider range of activities for the village, whilst retaining its very popular features.
Obviously, this won’t be possible in 2020 due to the effect of COVID-19, but we’ll make a start!
Phil Butterworth
August 2020 – Isle of Wedmore News