An exercise “Tip of the Month” will appear on the Wedmore Website to help encourage residents to exercise for their health benefits. In the Isle of Wedmore there are many opportunities from Chair Yoga (in the Swan) to Core Stability classes (in the Village Hall) and Golf to Gentle Walking in Wedmore’s Big Green Gym (Outside with fresh air and free vitamin D)
These tips will be written by John Beasley who takes exercise classes in Wedmore Village Hall every Wednesday. He is a member of the Register of Exercise Professionals and qualified Personal Trainer, GP Exercise Referral, Lower Back Pain and Weight Management Specialist.
He may be contacted on 01749 672482 or via
Top Exercise Tip No 1 – Exercise safely
Almost anybody can safely take up walking and light to moderate exercise is a good starting point for the inactive. Generally this is good for healthy adults. However, always start low and progress steadily within your limits. You may need to talk to your doctor before taking on more strenuous activities or if you have any health issues. (You may be able to do this over the telephone). Good to check this out now if needs be, to start 2018 towards a “Healthier Happier You”