We have been most grateful for your support in 2017 and the Wedmore in Bloom Committee hope that you will be able to join us for our Annual AGM to be held on Friday 26th January at 7.00pm in the Masonic Hall.
There will be a very short AGM to announce the latest facts and figures, followed by a glass of wine, cottage pie and dessert. After this we have the pleasure of being serenaded by ‘Strike a Chord’, followed by a raffle.
The evening will cost £10 each and we would be grateful if you could let us know by Saturday 20th January whether you would like to come. If you could ring Margaret Kitson 712107) or Jackie Hall (712877) they will make a note of your requirements. At the same time it would be good if you could let them know of any special dietary requirements.
We had a lot of fun at last year’s AGM so please come and join us, we would love to see you.
Best wishes and a Happy 2018!
Barbara Horton
Wedmore in Bloom Co-ordinator