
Sedgemoor Biz Newsletter 15 Nov 22


Somerset Business Survey 2022

Somerset’s five local authorities are jointly undertaking this vital survey to help us better understand and respond to local business needs, with a particular focus on the impacts that recent economic challenges are having on businesses.

By completing this survey, you will be providing much needed intelligence to help shape our approach to supporting businesses in Somerset.

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Should you wish to provide your details at the end of the survey, we will share the findings of this survey. We may also be able to offer specific advice and support based on the responses you have given. We know your time is precious, but the survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and your views could make a real difference. Please be assured that your personal data will not be shared with anyone outside of Somerset’s local authorities without your express permission, and you will remain fully anonymous in any reporting.

Complete the SurveySedgemoor District Council supporting businesses
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