Wedmore Parish Council has expressed profound concern following Somerset Council’s decision, at its Planning Committee meeting on 9 July 2024, to approve a controversial housing development at Combe Batch (application number 50/24/00021).
This decision overturns the previous decision to refuse planning permission for this development (application number 50/20/00054).
Isobel Beacom, Chair of Planning at the Parish Council, conveyed the Council’s dismay: ‘We are deeply disappointed by Somerset Council’s decision to approve the housing scheme despite our strong objections. This development conflicts with our Neighbourhood Plan and raises significant concerns about its impact on our heritage and community cohesion.’
The approved scheme proposes the construction of 26 new properties, in addition to the 173 new homes added to the village in the last five years. This decision has been met with prolonged resistance from the Parish Council and concerned villagers. Issues such as its proximity to listed buildings and potential effects on our historic conservation area have been at the forefront of the objections.
Furthermore, the Parish Council highlights that the approved development surpasses our village’s housing allocation until 2032 and is situated outside designated development boundaries set out in the Sedgemoor Local Plan, and the Wedmore Neighbourhood Plan that was overwhelmingly supported by residents in 2019.
Lindsey Baker, Wedmore’s Parish Clerk, emphasised the community’s dedication to preserving our village’s unique character: ‘The Neighbourhood Plan was created through extensive community engagement to guide our future development while safeguarding our rural charm. Somerset Council’s decision undermines this collective effort and the voice of our residents.’
In response to this decision, the Parish Council is exploring all available avenues
to challenge the approval and protect the interests of Wedmore residents.
Lindsey Baker, Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council
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Parish Clerk, Wedmore Parish Council,
Grant’s Lane, Wedmore Somerset BS28 4EA
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