13 June
Did you know?
The committee allows the first school to use the Multi-use Games Area (MUGA) free of charge, in return, the school allow the under 8 football team to play and train on the school field.
Things you might not know about Wedmore Playing Fields
The playing field site is secured in perpetuity as a recreational space with Fields in Trust, this means it can never be sold or developed for housing.
The playing fields are run by a management committee made up of volunteer representatives of all the clubs based on site. The committee is a registered charity and all members are Trustees, any profits are reinvested in the facilities.
The committee allows the first school to use the Multi-use Games Area (MUGA) free of charge, in return, the school allow the under 8 football team to play and train on the school field.
The Village Field (The field with the young farmer’s bonfire) is owned by the Playing Fields and is available for use by any group or organisation to hold activities in return for a small donation. Last year the Harvest Home was successfully held there and their representatives are now invited to attend management committee meetings.
The car park is privately owned by the playing fields and is for users of the playing fields. The management committee allows parents of children attending the first school to park there free of charge. The upkeep of the car park is a cost borne by the management committee; the school donate towards costs.
Since 2011 the management committee has raised and spent an amazing £1,480,528.54p on improving the facilities for everyone in the village and wider parish. The committee is still trying to raise funds to complete the first-floor room in the new pavilion and have other projects in the pipeline.
Although the management committee raised the funds to build and equip the new play area (£97,000) the play area is maintained, insured and run by the Parish Council under a formal agreement.
There is a Public WC on-site in the west end of the new sports pavilion. It is also maintained by the Parish Council and is locked overnight.
Click here to see more pictures as the pavilion is developed!